Industrial Relations : Human Resources : Work Health and Safety : Injury Management
EWD Bulletin 25 May 2016
Subject: Template Letters of Engagement – Fulltime and Part-time Employees and Casual Employees
Letters of engagement should be used when hiring new employees.
Importantly, the letter informs new employees about their terms and conditions of employment.
The Australian Government Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) has developed workplace templates including letters of engagement for fulltime and part-time employees and casual employees.
These templates are helpful tools for employers with drafting letters of engagement.
In addition the FWO has developed a total of 40 templates which employers can download at:
The template letters of engagement can be accessed at:
If you have any queries relating to letters of engagement please contact Ted Davis on (08) 8223 3220 or 0401 155 745.
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